Saturday, July 9, 2011

My new routine

Last year was insane. For the first time ever we did not have a schedule. I still don't want the kids to have a schedule ( I want them to be free to play and explore, listen to their internal clock) but I do like to have some sort of routine in place. I need to feel like there is a flow to my day and that I am working towards a goal. I thought about our day and realized that it could be broken into 3 segments. We have our usual morning bench marks, our afternoon bench marks and our evening bench marks. There were just certain things that weren't getting done so I decided to write them down and hold myself accountable for the things I need to get done everyday. I don't know if you have ever heard of flylady but I used her routine as a model and then changed it to fit my needs. These are printed and in my Household notebook.
Here it is

Morning routine

Rise and shine:
1. Take shower and clean the bathroom while I am there.
2. Fix my hair and face
3. clean the toilet
4. Leave the bathroom with all the dirty laundry and head straight for the washing machine, start load.

1. If I did my bed time routine then the kitchen is nice and clean and all I need to do is empty the dish rack.
2. Make coffee
3. Feed the animals, water the garden, collect eggs.
4. Make Breakfast and take out dinner to thaw.
5. Feed everyone (including myself) and everyone takes vitamins.
6. Clean up kitchen and sweep and mop floors
7. Give the little ones their bath and dress them (clean their bathroom while they have a little tub play).
8. Hang the load in the washer and start another load
9. pick up kids bed and put it away
10. send kids to clean their rooms
11. Continue with laundry until done

Think about your Day
1. Check my calendar.
2. Check my to-do list
3. check e-mail

Afternoon Routine  (start after nap 1:30)
1. Make lunch and eat
2. Clean up kitchen
3. Clean my room and make my bed
4. Tidy family closet
5. free time everyone, outings, projects

Evening routine (start around 6:00)
1. start dinner and set table
2. feed the kids, set a plate aside for Israel and clean the dinner mess
3. Wash dishes, take out trash, sweep and mop floors.
4. Put the little ones in their pajamas and pull out their bed.
5. Feed Israel and wash his plate.
Get ready for bed!
1. Put on pajamas
2. Wash face
3. Brush teeth
4. Brush hair
5. Check smoke alarms

Weekly checklist
   1. Scrub floors.
   2. Clean out refrigerator.
   3. Replace foil on drip pans.
   4. Sweep/spray off porches
   1. Polish mirrors.
   2. Empty trash.
   3. Mop floor.
   4. Change vacuum bag.
   1. Vacuum carpet.
   2. Dust.
   3. Change sheets.
Living room, Dining Room, and Family Room
   1. Dust furniture.
   2. Vacuum couch and wash cover.
   3. Clean walls and base boards.
   4. Cull/toss old magazines.
Paperwork and Misc. Duties
   1. Plan menu for next week.
   2.Clean out purse.
   3. Water and fertilize plants.
   4. Clean out Van.
   9. Deep clean laundry room/family closet.

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